The Path Ahead (fragments of a text), 2019, 80x20

HD, 1-Kanal-Video, Farbe, Ton, 2018

UNTITLED (CLOCKS), 2017, Converted clocks: one clockwork running back and one forth, variable sizes. 


Installationsansicht KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, 2019 Fotocredit: Eric Tschernow


How does this moment feel just before the second hand of a clock changes? The now. How present is our self? How perceptible is the past? How much hope do we have for what could be coming.Hanna Schaich frequently uses aspects of her own biography in her videos. Therefore, the video "The Path Ahead" is a seemingly hopeless attempt to break out of existing patterns of behavior. Obviously, traces of imprisonment left behind in the sand can not be led away by moving forward without being disturbed. Liberation from this oppressively hopeless, sisyphean occupation will only come about through the conscious breaking through of grounded actions and attitudes toward oneself. The two counterclockwise clocks, which are apparently both forward and backward, make an irritating element of the individual Zeitwahrmehmung clear. For between the yesterday and the morning it seems as if it is a moment in which it is really only about a moment of experience to look into a hopeful future. Hanna Schaich is dedicated to the ubiquity of what she has experienced, the longing to free herself from it and invites us to look together into a hopeful future.

The Path Ahead (fragments of a text), 2019


THE PATH AHEAD at Kiosk, 2018. Photos by Raimonda Vyšnia


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